A detail page is a TYPE most frequently used within the app.
Title / Location:
1) Google search for local businesses. Information will prepopulate based on Google information. Data that will prepopulate:
- Website
- Address (Includes Latitude & Longitude)
- Business Phone
- Photos
2) Click "Item does not have a location" for detail pages not associated with a physical location. (Example: Swimming Pool at a resort / Welcome information etc)
Description: Information relevant to the topic or instructions for associated actions (i.e. Read the attached document and sign the attached waiver)
- If detail page does have a location, click "Select Image from Google Places" Any images that are in Google will appear as image options.
- Click "Select New Image' to upload a specific photo
- Click 'Find Stock Photo" to access royalty free images
- Click "Generate Image" to utilize AI to generate an image
- If no hours apply, check "No Hours"
- If specific hours apply, either type in the necessary hours or use the up/down arrows for each day.
- If open 24/7, click the box
- Phone / Website: If there is a website or phone number that applies, enter in the appropriate fields and those buttons will appear.
- Social Media URL:
- Enter the Social Media URL
- Choose the appropriate Social Media from the dropdown
- Note: Icons will appear on the phone on the upper left in the header image area (In order to not take up button space)
Single Detail Page with Social Media Buttons
- Additional Custom buttons:
- Note: If requiring more than 3 buttons, recommend switching to a submenu instead of a detail page in order to have enough room to display text appropriately
Remote Administration
Remote Administration enables a non-Admin the ability to manage the content for a specific detail page
Campground Resort Example: The Snack Shop can update their own hours and post specials
Chamber of Commerce / Community Example: Elevated sponsorship level that enables the business to update their hours, buttons and content.
Remote Administration
1 - Click "Allow Remote Management" - Enables page to be managed outside of the Admin Console
2 - Allow Favoriting / Notifications - Allows Users to "Favorite" the business and Allows the business to send "Push Notifications"
Favoriting Tip: If using the "Favoriting" feature, add a "My Favorites" button to the Homescreen. Any user that clicks "Add Favorite" will then have a shortcut to their "Favorite" businesses
Detail Page with Remote Management Check the boxes of what the Remote Management will allow:
Edit Information -
- Add / Edit description
- Add / Edit Website
- Add / Edit Phone Numbers
Add Buttons -
- Add Custom buttons (Examples: Book Now, Make Reservation etc)
Send Notifications -
- Ability to send push notificatitons to anyone who has clicked the "Add Favorite" button.
The user is "opting in" to be subscribed to receive Push Notifications from this business
Click Submit
Click Copy Link for Remote Managment
Send URL to whomever will be managing this page (No passwords required).
Relationship: Enter Name or Title of whom you are sending it to for tracking purposes (optional field)
If multiple URLs are required, click Add Additional Access
Remote Management Training Tutorial & Email Instruction templates available in the Admin Console Help Area
Search: Remote Management
Remote Management Admin Console View
Associated Listing Sections:
Allows the Admin to put a detail page into mutlple areas throughout the App.
Every "Detail" Page has an associated QR Code.
Scanning the QR Code -
Users who have not downloaded the app will first be taken to the app store to your app, and then after clicking Install or Download, the app will open directly to the Detail Page
If the User already has the app, when the QR Code is scanned, the user's phone will open the app automatically directly to the specific detail page.
Detail Page QR Code