Instructions to share with your guests in order to favorite your campground within the CampON Mobile App
Go to your Android or iOS app store and search for "CampON"
Download the CampON mobile app
Search for "Insert your Campground Name"
Click the "Star" to Favorite
Click the listing to open it
After clicking into "Insert your Campground Name"
Click the upper left hand corner (3 lines)
Click "Add Campground to Favorites"
User Note:
After a user adds "Insert your Campground Name" as a favorite, they will start receiving your notifications and when they open the CampOn app it will open directly to "Insert your Campground Name"
App Badges
Marketing tools, in the Admin Console there are App Badges for Google and Apple.
Usage Cases: You can put this code in your newsletters, Reservation confirmations, website, etc.
One Link:
How it works: If the link is clicked from an Android phone it takes them to the CampOn download page for Google Play, from an iPhone it will open the CampOn listing in the App Store, on a computer it will open the webpage
Marketing tool. In the Admin Console there is a screenshot in a phone frame for marketing purposes.
Marketing Tools. In the Admin Console, there is a promotional piece that can be used to promote your mobile app.
Use case:
Print the piece and display at your front office or around your community.
Share the promotional piece on social media to promote your mobile app